About Omar


During his 15 years in the corporate arena, Omar has excelled in a variety of roles — program manager, change consultant, strategist, facilitator, operations manager, and project manager — providing talent development solutions for Fortune 500 and 1000 companies.

As a talent and organizational development professional, Omar delivers on strategies that elevate employee engagement, strengthen team performance, and improve bottom-line business results.

He is a connector, an avid conference presenter, and is a champion of evolving the talent and OD space through smarter programs and cleaner metrics. Omar incorporates the latest research in educational neuroscience into his talent development-specific solutions. Some results: Three-time Gold-level winner by CLO LearningElite, ranked 25th by Training Magazine's Top 125 Training Companies, Five-time Gold-level Winner by Brandon Hall. Visit Omar’s LinkedIn profile.

When taking a break from shaping an improved employee experience, you’ll find Omar teaching Mindful Leadership through the practice of target archery, and volunteering as an open-water rescue kayaker, guiding triathletes to safety.



Subject Matter Expertise

Methodologies & Modalities

Artificial Intelligence (AI) learning applications

Design Thinking

Educational neuroscience

Kirkpatrick course evaluation

Mobile learning (native, web, and hybrid)

Online microlearning (video/audio/games)

Pull-through/Follow-on learning

Social and informal learning communities

Virtual classroom facilitation (vILT)

Virtual reality (VR) immersive simulations

Select Courses (designed or revised)

Coaching for Success - ILT, online, & mobile

Leading with Emotional Intelligence - online

Making Meetings Work - online module

Management Fundamentals - ILT & online

Diversity & Inclusion - online & mobile

Presenting to Executives - ILT & mobile

Situational Leadership - ILT & online

Programs & Resources

Decision Making - online toolkit

Generations @ Work for Managers - video

Harvard Business School - online & video

New Mgr. Onboarding - web portal/mobile

Stanford Breakfast Briefings

Linkage Leadership Series - ILT & video


Speaking Engagements & Affiliations

Workshop facilitator and session presenter focusing on trends in leadership and talent development, educational neuroscience, blended learning, and internal networking for enterprise-level knowledge management

  • ATD (Association for Talent Development)

  • Brandon Hall (HCM Excellence Conference)

  • eLearning Guild (DevLearn and Webinar Learning Forums)

  • Human Capital Institute – Human Capital Summit

  • LTEN - Life Sciences Trainers & Educators Network

  • Masie Learning Consortium (Elliott Masie)

  • Online Community Unconferences

  • Training Magazine (Leadership Summits and Training Conference & Expo)

  • Q1 (Life Science Engagement and Innovation in Learning Technologies)

Presentations/Publications (select examples)

Blending Educational Neuroscience and Technology to Boost Performance (Host: LTEN — Life Sciences Trainers & Educators Network, annual conference)

Microlearning for Improved Learner Engagement & Information Retention
(Host: Q1 Productions — Life Science Engagement & Innovation, conference)

Enhancing Learning and Innovation at Genentech: Leveraging Collective Knowledge Sharing via Online Communities (Host: HCI — Human Capital Institute, annual conference)

Online Workplace Communities: Designing the Right Social Space to Promote Collaborative Learning (Host: Training Magazine Learning Leaders Summit)

Memberships & Affiliations

ATD - Association for Talent Development

CLC - Corporate Leadership Council

eLearning Guild

PMI - Project Management Institute


Personality & Strength Assessments

Myers-Briggs: ISFP

StrengthsFinder: Achiever, Adaptability, Activator, Futuristic, Ideation

SOCIAL STYLE®: Amiable, Expressive

StrengthScope (Profile):   

Creativity - I come up with new ideas and original solutions to move things forward

Emotional control - I am aware of my emotional ‘triggers’ and how to remain calm and productive

Empathy - I readily identify with other people’s situations and can see things from their perspective

Enthusiasm - I demonstrate strong passion and energy when communicating goals, beliefs, interests, or ideas

Relationship building - I build networks of contacts and act as a ‘hub’

Self-confidence - I believe in myself and my abilities to accomplish tasks and goals

Strategic mindedness - I focus on the future and take a strategic perspective on issues and challenges