People Development (L&D) Strategy

Issue: Organizational change, innovation, and disruptive technology demand agile methods for engaging and training employees. A multi-phased, people development strategy is paramount in any organization in order to absorb these pressures and excel in the marketplace.

selected projects

1. Training Delivery & Impact

Project: A five-year projection evolving the delivery and impact of training for leadership and managerial skills. The implementation plan details scaffolding training support for employees, upskilling staff, and incorporating new technologies for talent development solutions.

My Roles: Lead Strategist, Project Manager

Business Issue: Every few years, methods for facilitating training evolve due to external disruptors and internal change. Additionally, a needs assessment revealed global leaders required stronger skills in remote team management and employee engagement.


  • Evaluate and redesign L&D modalities

  • Improve ILT facilitators’ technology skills

  • Provide mobile support for resources

  • Increase range and depth of analytics


  • A four-month initial study, followed by stakeholder presentations, led to recommendation and budget approvals of $125K

  • Revised facilitation design included: shorter classes, new virtual course segments, new virtual/spot coaching, online cohort interaction, new mobile chat-bot performance support for skills practice, new zero-cost level 3 evaluation capture, introduced “social-online learning” via cloud collaboration platforms

  • Impact data:

    • Online resources reached 3K employees (up from only 50 users per year)

    • Classroom training reached 1.5K employees annually (up from 100 employees trained) due to remote/virtual training options

    • Deepened evaluation metric to Level 3 Kirkpatrick (from Level 1) within the most popular content areas

Skills Used: Analysis, design, stakeholder influencing, research, team collaboration, vendor management, project management, reporting

2. L&D COE - Business Alignment

Project: A COE (Center of Excellence), business-alignment strategy initiated in order stay competitive within the L&D industry and realign offerings mapped to functional talent needs throughout the organization

My Role: Project Team Member

Business Issue: Many internal courses and programs were developed, rolled out, and left unmeasured or unrevised for months. The validity and impact of the offerings was uncertain.


  • Benchmark L&D innovation

  • Uncover best practices in L&D industry

  • Influence changes to existing offerings

  • Assess opportunities for greater impact


  • A three-month benchmarking study, across 14 global companies, led to leadership approval for recommendations.

  • Realigned internal L&D staff responsibilities, removed dependencies, and finalized an internal resources audit.

Skills Used: Networking, research, interviewing, influencing, executive presentation, analysis, decision making

3. Career & Learning Curricula

Project: A curriculum strategy for providing learning opportunities at every employee level

My Role:
Program Manager

Business Issue: Support for career development did not exist. A comprehensive approach to skills training and career development was needed (from ICs through executives). Original solutions targeted only select roles, offering relevant content, but were not mapped to organization talent management, succession planning, or career development needs across the organization.


  • Analyze career & succession metrics and department specific goals across functions

  • Align training offerings with shared talent-development goals across functions

  • Create learning paths for skill development across employee levels


  • Rebranded offerings and introduced “Leading at Every Level” campaign in eight weeks with a 14-month implementation path targeting ~11K employees

  • Communication plan annual reach — ~9K ICs, ~200 new managers, ~1.5K directors and supervisors, and ~350 executives

  • Initial evaluation: Level-1 Kirkpatrick = 4.6 out of 5, across 60+ offerings

  • 25% increase in adoption of new learning paths

Skills Used: Analysis, design, program and vendor management, team collaboration