selected screenshots

Topic area: Building Trust on Teams

My Role: Program Lead (Online Platform Architect, Videographer, Interviewer)

Business Issue: Busy, driven senior leaders struggled to connect and build trust within teams, in order to create a safe environment for risk-taking and speaking up. Employee Engagement survey revealed low scores on “Trust in senior leadership”. Developing traditional video training is expensive and slow compared to shooting and editing on an iPhone.

Modalities: Video blog, online assessment

Formats: Web and mobile app

Features: Interview clips and “key takeaways” content are sorted via self-assessment wizard (result customized by each visitor) and/or via search and filtering choices.


  • Highlight internal champions

  • Provide mobile access to lessons on building trust within teams

  • Avoid building “just another static toolkit”

  • Support company "Speaking Up initiative

Results: 130 best practices launched. Increased engagement scores on team by leaders who emulated trust-building behaviors. Extremely positive feedback from HRBPs, line directors, and leader participants. Gathered extended application ideas from business line leaders.