Instructional Technology

Professional growth is now fueled by methods that reach far beyond online modules and instructor-led events. Technology is accelerating the rate at which individuals and teams learn and evolve.

Influenced by smarter technology each year, the work of my team incorporates ubiquitous, as well as new technologies, to augment the depth and speed at which employees learn — saving thousands of hours and dollars of lost productivity over antiquated training delivery methods.
— Nielsen

Issue: Companies that offer internal employee development opportunities are challenged to measure real learning impact and as well as reach the right audiences at the right time.

By now, every talent leader understands why employee development directly impacts the company’s bottom line. Note to Executives: If you aren’t sure of the ROI of any in-house training offering, regardless of whether it utilizes current technologies, then either 1) it doesn’t have ROI, 2) the solution should be redesigned, or 3) the training group missed the chance to boast about the cost savings to the organization.

Any kind of employee skill development can take advantage of one, or a blend of technologies, each of which bring its own special ingredient to elevate employee engagement, increase collaboration, and sustain change.

example applications


Focus area: New Manager Onboarding

Issue addressed: Managers needed just-in-time performance support resources but were only provided with outdated and expensive in-person classroom training.


Focus area: Performance Management

Issue addressed: Managers and employees needed training faster and on-demand versus waiting for an ILT class date. Generic, off-the-shelf video content didn’t match the culture.

The MOBILE-phone Video Interview

Focus area: Building Trust on Teams for Leaders

Issue addressed: “Trust in leadership” revealed low scores on the employee engagement survey. Busy senior leaders struggled to connect and build trust within teams.


Interactive Web

Focus area: Cross-Cultural Communication

Issue addressed: A replacement resource was needed for an outdated, in-person classroom solution, in order to refresh the content and reach more employees across multiple geographic locations.

GamE-Based Learning

Focus areas: Managing Remote Teams, New Hire Orientation, Diversity & Inclusion

Issues addressed: No ongoing support or training for managers of remote teams was available. New hires were not engaged following their day-one orientations.

“AI” Mobile Chat Bot

Focus area: Diversity & Inclusion

Issue addressed: D&I in the workplace was largely misunderstood. Actual learning following facilitated training was not measured. Previous follow-up training methods were not engaging.


Social Learning vlog

Focus area: Recognition of Employees (for Managers) and Career Development

Issues addressed: Managers lacked exposure to the benefits of recognizing employees through low-cost, no-cost methods. Employee career development was largely unsupported.

Immersive “VR” SIMulations

Focus area: Management Fundamentals

Issue addressed: Front-line leaders lacked the opportunity to practice conflict resolution and performance management communication skills with real-time feedback. 1:1 coaching solutions were cost prohibitive for this large population.

mobile learning

Focus area: Learning & Career Development

Issue addressed: Visibility of available L&OD resources for employees was limited. Specific audiences were confused as to where to look or how to sign up for training. Offerings were not curated or personalized.